Night Shift In the Media
What The Students Have Accomplished
Green Magazine
Student Allen Shepard of Warrenton High School graduated in 2018. He was asked to write an article about the time he spent in Night Shift working with others to restore the 1949 John Deere A. Take a look at his article.
Steiner Tractor
Students were tasked to start making instructional videos for Steiner as part of their time in the Night Shift program. Allen Shepard was asked to make the first instructional video about Voltage Drop. Take a look at their videos.
Antique Power
Student Olivia Robinson who took classes in the Four Rivers building was asked to write an article about Dan Brinkmann’s ’s 1966 Massey Ferguson 180 that was restored in 2016. Check our her article about the group of gentleman that restored this beautiful piece of iron.
Red Power
Student Olivia Robinson wrote an article about how the students helped the community and it was featured in one of Red Power’s Magazines in 2018.
Several times a year it seems that the Night Shift Program finds their way into the local news paper. In this particular artical one of the students caught the attention of the Missourian by sending in a letter in for making top 12 in the Delo Tractor Restoration Compition but the editor went above and beyond.
Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners
Student Allen Shepard who participated in Night shift in 2017 and 2018 was granted the opportunity to attend Lakeland Community College in Matoon, Illinois, to peruse an education within John Deere. Since Night Shift he has graduated college and started his career with Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners. Watch the video above has he speaks about his line of work and the John Deere Technical Program.
2017 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition Video
The students are required to enter each restoration into the Delo Tractor Restoration Competition and here is there first years video. Take a look!
2018 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition Video
As a requirement of the Competition the students must make a video. That video then shows the judges that the tractor functions and it also us opened to the public to be voted on to be the winner for the best video. They also took home third with this restoration and their instructor was named adviser of the year.
2019 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition Video
See how far they have come! In 2019 they Restored a Farmall H for a community member and here is a fraction of their story.
2020 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition Video
Defying all odds, what started out as a group restoration 2 years ago has been finished by one young gentleman this year’s restoration of another Farmall H! Click on the link to see his phenomenal work!
2021 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition Video
The key to success is to never give up, and that’s the most valuable lesson this team learned. Despite all of the challenges this team faced, they were still able to compete in the Delo Tractor Restoration Competition. Check out the video above to see their accomplishment.
2022 Tractor Restoration
Please check back later this project and story has not started.