The History of the Four Rivers Night Shift
“Night Shift is an opportunity that I almost past up on. Thankfully I made the decision to join and it made my life completely different. So many doors have been opened up for me and for everybody who has went through the program. Night Shift molded me into the person I am today and I am forever grateful for the people I have met and life lessons I have learned.”
-Allen Shepard 2018 Graduate
In 2009 Mr. Dan Brinkmann the Automotive Technology instructor at the Four Rivers Career Center started the Night Shift Program. It first started out as a motorcycle class where students would come after school and gain knowledge on motorcycles and machines similar.
November 28, 2012 the first tractor was brought in to be done at Night Shift. A 1948 Ford 8N. It came to have the ignition system worked on, but turned into a restoration with the permission of Erwin Brinkmann who owned the tractor.
In the school year of 2013-2014 the students of the program did a 941 Ford Diesel owned by Jack Brinker. During their restoration they found that second and reverse gears were broke. This is when it became official that tractors attracted students more than motorcycles did.
2014-2015 students did another Ford. They were asked to do a 961 gas. The tractor arrived to the students on several pallets. They were challenged with putting it back together and did a fantastic job with it. This tractor is also owned by Jack Brinker.
1966 Massey Ferguson 180 Owned by Dan Brinkmann.
Things started to get more serious. A larger tractor was brought in at the beginning of February for a full restoration but would not have the engine rebuilt. They finished this tractor one week after school had ended. The group of young men who worked on it did a fantastic job. This tractor is owned by Jim and Dan Brinkmann.
1948 Farmall “C” Owned by Jim Buccann.
The restoration that changed the lives of many. During the school year of 2016-2017 the Knights of Columbus Council #1121 asked the students of Night Shift to restore a 1948 Farmall “C”. This restoration would sever as a 10 year marker for the Knights of Columbus Journey for Charity Tractor Cruise. At the end of the Cruise the tractor was raffled off but not before it changed the lives of many.
It was restored by students in the Night Shift Program alone with another Farmall “C” as a parts tractor. The parts tractor was bought by one of the students in the group. After the Knights tractor was finished it was taken all around the state to different shows and raffle tickets. After the tractor was raffled off it was bought by the local Napa store and now sits inside the store on display for all to see. When it was all said and done the Knights of Columbus Farmall C raised $22,000 for local food pantries.
This is also the restoration that sparked students to enter into the Chevron Delo Tractor Restoration Competiton. With this tractor the students made it into the top 12 finalist and got to compete for for grand champion.
1949 John Deere “A” Owned by Allen Shepard.
In the school year of 2017-2018 the students were asked to restore a 1949 John Deere “A” for the local high school’s FFA Chapter. It all started with “Hey Mr. Brinkmann what is this year’s project?” The tractor came to the students in rough shape. The engine was siezed, holes in the sheet metal, and other items that proved that the tractor was ready for a major restoration.
The students began by taking the entire tractor apart, making sure everthing was labeled, and marked correctly. Then they began sandblasting, flap wheeling, body filling as needed, and started painting. After parts were individually painted they were assembled in a gentle manner making sure not to scratch the paint. Once most of the tractor was together and it was on its own feet the tractor was painted as a whole without the sheet metal. Once the restoration was coplete they entered into the Delo Tractor Restoration Competition where they Placed Third and took home $3,000 for another restoration.
Their tractor is 1 of 300,000 made between 1947 and 1952. This particular one was built on February 16, 1949 and shipped to Baker, Oregon on Fenruary 18, 1949, and how it ended up in Missouri is a mystery. The average cost of their tractor in 1952 was $2,400. The challenges they met during their restoration were life lessions and the people they met created friendships that will last a life time.
The students also did a paint restoration and fixed a seal on a Massey Ferguson 50 while they were waiting on parts for their John Deere “A”. The tractor is owned by a community member named Viegel Siedhoff.
As the years pass their perspective of the tractor will evolve to prove that the best crop the “A” has ever grown was not vegetables in Oregon but rather the students that restored it.
1941 Farmall “H” Owned by Don Groene.
During the school year of 2018-2019 Students restored a tractor for a communit member. The gentleman had a compelling story with his tractor and the family did as well. The idea was presented to the graduating seniors of the students before and they felt it was a wonderful idea to restore a Farmall H for Don Groene and his family.
The seniors form the 2018 restoration wrote a letter explaining to Mr. Groene that his tractor had been chose to be the next years restoration. On Christmas morning of 2017 their instructor Dan Brinkmann showed up at the Groene Christmas to present Don with his letter.
The Students restored the Farmall H loader and all and entered into the Delo Tractor Restoration Competition and placed top 12 for the 2019 Competiton.
1951 Farmall “H” Owned by the Four Rivers Tractor Club.
The restoration that started as a group and ended with one student who conquered it all. During the school year of 2019-2020 Students started on their restoration of a Farmall H that was donated to them. Students worked diligently towards the end of 2019 taking the tractor apart and preparing it to go back together. In the early stages of the pandemic students were not allowed to work on the tractor at school. Most students dropped out but one decided to stay.
Logan Williams and Mr. Brinkmann started talking about how to finish the tractor. With a little help of the community they were able to finish the restoration in Tim Brinkmann’s shop. Logan was able to enter the tractor into the 2020 Delo Tractor Restoration Competition where he was a top 12 finalist.
1956 Ford 600 Owned by Roscoe Mayer.
For the 2020-2021 school students restored a Ford 600. The tractor was given to the students on October 29th by Roscoe Mayer and they began the long process of restoring the tractor. They put hundreds of hours into restoring this tractor, getting dozens of experiences that they will continue to build on as their career grows. By the end of 2020 the tractor was completely torn apart. Each month they got closer and closer to finishing the tractor and returning the tractor to Roscoe. The tractor was finally done after months of hard work. The students were able to take the tractor to the first show of the season in Perryville, Missouri on May 29th 2021. Its story doesn’t end here though. The students continued all summer taking it to shows all over the state along with fixing small issues to continue perfecting their restoration. Those who were a part of this restoration have become very passionate about antique tractors and will continue restorations and furthering their education in a related career field.
Please check back later history is in the making.
Please check back later as history is in the making and students are finishing up with their 2021 restoration.
Hint: One will be green and one will be red with spoked wheels.
Please check back later history is in the making.
New year, new information…
Please check back later, history is in the making.
New year, new stories to share.